Thursday, February 10, 2005

Activision Posts Excellent Results

I wrote about THQ, which I consider to be a company that is boxed in to US markets. Activision is like the other side of the coin. They have wonderful slate of products that fit to the international markets. Activision grows fast and one can almost label this growth as organic, since they mainly purchase only those companies that they have a close working relationship.

Electronic Arts has far greater turnover, but if that weren’t the situation, I would bet my money on Activision as THE dominant player in the future of game industry. Now Activision is SOOO tempting target for acquisitions that I am terribly excited to see if they make it on their own. In my books, the business methods of Activision are nicer than those of Electronic Arts, so I sure hope they remain independent and remain as a good guy on the block.

One thing that warms my heart especially was the comment that handheld platforms will enjoy tremendous growth. Mobile gaming, I like it :)


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