Sunday, January 09, 2005

Expensive Game Studies

Game industry is a field that is hard to get on. Talent is desperately needed, but is hard to find. People try to find way to land a job by being enthusiasts and developing their own mini games or having relevant education. Being enthusiastic hobbyist and coding away small demos takes lot of time. Getting an education on games field is faster but very costly. Doesn’t look too promising for a company that is trying to find qualified game developers.

Video game industry program tuitions are sky-high, because there are hardly any teaching programs on the field. Supply is lacking behind the demand, because the field has developed so fast and outside traditional industries that special education and training are needed. At places, game development programs come with higher price tag than executive MBA programs.

As the game industry starts to adopt more traditional ways of making business, especially entertainment industry-like working methods, situation is bound to change, but for now, it is sellers market. This leads to the final point of this short article. Because educating qualified game developers is very costly, it is probable that developing countries, like China and India, with cheap labour are able to ramp up their education programs faster than developed countries. Yet another reason, why subcontracting to Asia will increase in game industry.


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